Help Your Loved Ones | Ever Loved


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Help your loved ones

Make sure the people you care about are protected and prepared if something happens to you.

Record important information

Ensure your family knows your funeral preferences, where to find important documents, what accounts will need to be managed if something happens to you.
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Set up a digital vault

Store important login credentials, documents and important memories securely so only the right people can access them when needed.
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Create a will

Help reduce conflict, confusion and stress and ensure that your assets are distributed as you wish by creating a legal will. The process is now easy to do online in less than an hour.
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Prearrange your burial or cremation

Arranging your funeral in advance can help relieve your family of significant burdens when you pass. Ever Loved makes it easy to quickly get quotes from several funeral homes at once, so you can make the best decision for you and your loved ones.
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